Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall Soccer is Here!

Now things are going to be super busy until Christmas!!  Once soccer ends, I start on my Masters.  I will do my best to stick with 3 days a week blog posts, but they will probably be a whole lot of ramblings and I will get back to a few recipes when things slow down!!  Hope everyone is having a great Monday, I am missing my 3 day weekend from last week right now ;)


  1. I miss soccer season. My kids are both in band and that keeps us fairly busy.

  2. Good luck with obtaining your Master's Degree which is much more important than blogging. Hope you are having a great weekend and got some studying done!

  3. Thanks ladies!! I actually start my Masters next month, each class is in the 8 week format. But soccer will be finishing up the same week college starts back for me, so hopefully that will be an easier transition than I am anticipating!

  4. That is awesome you are working on your masters! I wish you ton's of success :) I found your blog on Bloggy Mom's and wanted to stop by and say hi! Hope you will check out my blog too - it's called Digi-Mama's - Thanks!
