Saturday, July 12, 2014

Yoyoing with Weight

Since my first pregnancy, I have struggled with keeping my weight down.  By the time I had Cara, I was getting a little too close to 200 pounds and so I did weight watchers for about 7 months and lost about 50 pounds, bringing me back down to the 140s.  I was unable to keep up with staying in the 140s so when my weight got back up to the 150s, I tried to stay there.  Any time my weight would sneak up into the 160s, I would go on a diet.  After getting close to the 140s again, I would quit and go back to eating junk, slowly allowing myself eat more than a regular serving, then on to having many more snacks than I should in a day.  So I was constantly struggling, worrying about my weight, but not necessarily worried about making healthy choices for the long run, only long enough to get my weight back down, as it would be too easy for me to let my weight get back to where it was after I had Cara.

So here I am back in the 160s.  I have been doing T25 exercises from Beachbody for the last few months, but have not made the commitment to change my eating habits.  I have more energy from the workouts, but I am not seeing big results because I am still eating junk.  But, I want to eat healthy for the long run.  I want to know that I can be healthier and feel good even when life gets super busy (as it will as soon as it is August with the new school year).  I want to be one of those people that enjoy eating fruits and veggies and see it as fuel for my body.  I am trying to change my mindset and make it a lifelong life change, not just for a few months.

I am starting with doing the 3 Day Refresh from Beachbody.  Today is day 1.  No meat or breads for 3 days (not eating bread or bad carbs is a tough thing for me!).  I am hoping that this will kick start my new mindset.  After the 3 Day Refresh I am going to move into the 21 day fix.  My focus there will be food portions and finding new recipes for healthier versions of things I love to eat.  I do not want to deal with counting calories.  If I am eating for my health and not for my weight, well, hopefully everything else will just fall into place.  Though I cannot help but check in on my weight, it is not the end all of my journey.  My starting point for the 3 day refresh is 162:

I cannot wait to see the changes in my body after these 3 days, then after the 21 Day Fix.  I am hoping to keep myself busy this weekend so the foods I love and cannot eat are not on my mind ;) 

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